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[2023 Ramadan Day 10] Northern Caucus Advance to the Nations from the Last Frontier!

Updated: Jul 4, 2023

<Dagestan> The gateway to the North Caucasus Revival

In the southern part of Dagestan, the gospel was preached, and churches were built as early as the fourth century. However, the land's 38 ethnic groups were slowly Islamized by the Arabs who remained in the region and the Muslims who came to spread their religion. In addition, the 18th century Caucasian wars led to the Islamization of the entire population, which sought a Muslim identity in opposition to Orthodox Russia.

Few non-Arab Dagestanis have never read the Quran, and most don't even know the finer details of Islamic prayers in Arabic. Nevertheless, most Dagestanis try to observe Islamic laws and take pride in their faith. Together, they break the Ramadan fast and stand in solidarity as Muslims. In recent years, if you go out into the city of Dagestan, you will see more people wearing black hijabs, covering their faces more than before. Alongside of stronger Islamic, the influence of secularism is also gaining ground, especially among young people. More and more, people are rejecting Islamic-style education or beliefs and not observing Ramadan. This year we expect to see a clearer divide between these two groups of people.

Dagestan has a low evangelization rate of 0.02%. Since the war between Russia and Chechnya, there has been a sharp rise in the Islamist movement, with Islamic militants confronting the government and intimidating the churches. In 2010, Pastor A of Church H was martyred by Islamic militants. The fearful church scattered for a while, but God used this to give them a revival to plant churches on the outskirts of the city and in other cities. The church is now not afraid and is focusing on witnessing to the gospel in the land. Hallelujah!

A new revival is beginning again in the land right now. With the recent wars between Russia and Ukraine, and the earthquake in Türkiye these people are thinking more seriously than ever about life and death. They are listening carefully to the gospel with great interest about sin, salvation, and the final day of judgment. Not only that, but young people are coming to faith in Jesus and giving their lives as missionaries.

"The least one shall become a clan, and the smallest one a mighty nation; I am the Lord; in its time I will hasten it. (Isaiah 60:22)"

God will make a mighty nation through the YGs in Dagestan by 2030! 10,000 disciples of Jesus will be raised up among all the peoples of Dagestan!

<Chechnya> Gospel Warriors on the Front Lines, Chechnya!

Chechnya, which became part of Russia after losing the Caucasian War in the 18th century, was subjected to forced migrations during the Stalin era, resulting in the deaths of more than 100,000 Chechens in total.

When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, Chechnya declared itself independent, triggering the First and Second Chechen Wars, which left 90% of the capital city of Grozny in ruins, killed countless men, and left many orphans and widows. This people group has since experienced terrorist attacks that have drawn international attention and condemnation, but it is now entering a period of social stability as it strives for peace and reconstruction. Through the situation, ethnic Chechens are finding their national identity through Islam. Chechnya's president has presented himself as a leader of Islam, built large mosques in every city, emphasized Islamic education and dress, and labelled Chechnya as an Islamic republic.

Recently, however, there has been a small number of young people who are cautious but want to escape the contradictions of Islam and the oppressive social climate. These people are responding to the truth and the gospel. They want to go outside and live rather than live in a repressed society. Since the Russian-Ukraine war, Russians have been traveling abroad less than before, so last year alone, more than two million Russian tourists visited the North Caucasus region, including Dagestan and Chechnya. Previously, many Russians did not come to the North Caucasus as tourists because of their fear of the region. However, now the social climate has changed dramatically, with many people traveling back and forth and fellowshipping with the locals. We are also thankful that a Baptist church is now officially registered in Chechnya, and Russian workers continue to be sent out from other cities in Russia.

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:18-19)

Amen! The Lord will set the Chechen people free after so many years of being held captive in lies and fear! He will establish His church in the land of Chechnya and rise up as an army that will be on the front lines during the final war!

<Ingush> The people who will bring life, Ingush!

The Ingush people are the smallest and poorest of Russia's republics and was forced to convert to Islam in the 19th century. They were also forcibly relocated by Russia during World War II. They have returned to their homeland but have been involved in territorial disputes with neighboring peoples ever since.

Officially known as a 100% Muslim ethnic group, Ingushetia has been like a spiritually off-the-beaten-path: a place that used to seem so rigid and closed off. However, in recent years it has begun to open up like never before: less wary of foreigners, and more recently, the K-pop craze has spread to both the younger and older generations alike. Many have begun to like and open up to Korea. There is still no official church here, except for the Russian Orthodox Church, but the gospel continues to be witnessed through numerous short-term teams, and workers that are sent from other cities in Russia to serve the Ingush people.

"In a favorable time, I listened to you, and in the day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.

(2 Corinthians 6:2)

No known church, no known Christians and unrecognized by the churches of the world, the Lord remembers the Ingush people! He was and is seeking the poor in spirit, the prepared, and the saved. For the Ingush, now is the favorable time for grace, now is the day of salvation!

<An Outpost of Missionary Revival, Kabardino-Balkaria>

Kabardino-Balkaria is located in the center of the North Caucasus region of southern Russia and is home to the Kabardino and Balkar peoples. It has embraced Islam since the 18th century, but after the collapse of the Soviet Union, there was a strong secularization in the pursuit of money, power, and pleasure.

More recently, mobilization for the war between Russia and Ukraine along with rising inflation have made life even more difficult for people. While there is still a sense of culture here, with formal fasting during Ramadan, it's hard to find people who pray wholeheartedly. Kabardino Balkaria is bounded by Islamic law which made them so powerless. There are also many YGs that have the thinking of homosexuality being okay. Even now, we meet Jehovah's Witnesses who say they are Christians, and they seem to hate to sin, yet they are deceiving people by building on a false truth that Jesus had his beginnings in creation.

Fortunately, God's love is being shown here through His church. With many young students, there are many thirsty souls here who are tired of the Islamic faith and the deception of the world. The love and care shown to them through the church is opening their hearts, the truth is being proclaimed, and the full teaching and work of the Holy Spirit is regenerating the young people here! God is preparing the young generation to lead His holy revival in these last days.

“As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God.” (Psalm 42:1)

May the Lord be gracious to the souls of this land and raise up the churches of this holy land to become outposts of missionary revival in the North Caucasus!

[Today’s Prayer]

1. During the month of Ramadan 2023, may the eyes and ears of the Spirit be opened among the multitudes of North Caucasian souls to see the living Lord Jesus and return in repentance! May10,000 disciples and 100 churches to rise up together to fulfill the one vision of North Caucasus by 2030!

2. Let's pray that all the darkness of lies, division, obscenity, that binds the lands of Dagestan, Chechnya, Ingushetia, and Kabardino-Balkaria will flee in the name of Jesus and Kingdom of God come into these lands, in Jesus' name! Amen!


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