[2025 Ramadan) Day 3 An army of victorious hymn singers who will advance to the ends of the earth, singing a new song of salvation! Indonesia

Ending the debate over the start date of Ramadan - February 28 or March 1 - Indonesia has announced March 1 as the first day of Ramadan with the new moon on the horizon.
When asked why they fast and pray for Ramadan in Indonesia, surprisingly only few Indonesian Muslims will say forgiveness of sins first.
Whether it's out of obligation or culture, they say they pray for good health, success, or money, and there are even some Indonesian souls who say they don't fast at all. For them, forgiveness of sins and faith are vague, so they're more concerned about having a healthy Ramadan, planning a 30-day diet plan, what to eat after fasting, gatherings, post-Ramadan holidays, and finances.
Even the most devout Muslims, who are fasting now to warm up for Ramadan, talk about forgiveness of sins according to the law, but are vague about true faith and having personal encounters with God.
Indonesian Muslims approach Ramadan in a polarizing way, not focusing on fasting because of that reality, but on Ramadan because of that reality.
In a time when even for Christians, unseen realities are trying to overcome unseen faith, thankfully the Lord is opening a new Kairos in this land.
Since last fall, He has been adding believers to the nations and healing the sick in Indonesia through local and international short-term teams.
We are especially looking forward to Ramadan this March, as the Lord is doing something new and unprecedented in Indonesia for our April ASEAN Mission Camp.
Our prayer is that the gospel of Jesus Christ will be shared with Indonesian Muslims who are seeking true forgiveness of sins during this time of fasting, and that the yoke of sin will be broken and the direction of faith will be clarified through the sharing of true fasting that breaks the bonds of iniquity.
“Caesar’s,” they replied. Then he said to them, “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” (Matthew 22:21)
“the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise” (Isaiah 43:21)
(Today’s Prayer)
1. Give the 230 million Muslims in Indonesia a new spirit and a new heart, remove the hardness of their hearts and give them a soft heart, so that they may now be God's people, His children, living according to His rule and will and not according to the laws and obligations of Islam.
2. Let this Ramadan be a time when what belongs to God is returned to God! Let the Indonesian Muslims know the truth that they did not know before, and let them not only move from knowledge to faith to reality, but let them rise up as a mighty army of praise to overcome the world!