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[2025 Ramadan] Day 4 Following the Silk Road, prepare the way for the Lord's return! Kazakhstan!


Kazakhstan is the 9th largest land in the world, located at the strategic point of the Silk Road. About 100 years before Jesus was born, the Silk Road began with Zhang Qian's expedition to the West. Despite the rough road, people exchanged civilizations and cultures along this Silk Road, and the gospel spread eastward along this road.

As a result, Central Asia, where Kazakhstan is located, became a missionary center in the East along the Silk Road, and there is a history of the gospel being spread to China and Gyeongju, Korea.

However, when Islam entered Kazakhstan in the 7th century, the role of the trade route through the Silk Road was weakened, and the history of the gospel eventually came to a halt.

It seems like the history of the gospel has disappeared in the history of the Silk Road, but God wanted the gospel to continue to spread along the Silk Road, and there was His guidance to unite the Central Asian churches in the history of Christianity.

In 2000, the Silk Road Jesus March was held in City A in Kazakhstan with Korean and global church Christians.

Through this gathering, God proclaimed a vision among the Central Asian churches. It was a mission to restore the Silk Road that had been blocked by Islam and to witness the gospel all the way to Jerusalem. The Lord wanted to restart the history of the gospel that had been blocked on the Silk Road, and He will surely fulfill the dream and vision that He gave to the Central Asian churches through the Silk Road Jesus March!

City A, the capital of Kazakhstan, holds a world religious unification conference where the religious leaders around the world gather once every three years. Recently, in a group chatroom of local pastors of Kazakhstan churches, about 20 pastors visited a mosque and posted a photo with the imam, saying that they had become one with interreligious reconciliation. Some Kazakh pastors are said to have agreed with this conversation, rejoicing and celebrating.

However, God is preparing a remnant like the 7,000 who did not bow their knees to Baal.

Every March, the Central Asia All-generation Mission Camp is held in Kazakhstan, and in September, the Pastors’ Mission Conference is held. As a result, the Central Asian churches are united and are rising up with a vision for missions.

A voice cries: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. (Isaiah 40:3)

In the north of Kazakhstan, there is the Russian church, in the east, there is the one million Chinese army, and in the south, there is the Persian church. God wants to raise up Kazakhstan as a missions center in Central Asia. The Kazakh churches will become the voice of one crying out in the wilderness and prepare the way of the Lord together with the remaining Russian, Chinese, and Persian churches.

Islam is very strong in the south of Kazakhstan. There are about 800 mosques in that area, and only one church.

However, even that church is in a difficult situation where it must close its doors now. We really need strong worship and prayer in this region.

I hope that all the thoughts and theories that have been raised up against God will collapse, and only the gospel of Jesus will be proclaimed in this land. This year, in 2025, in Kazakhstan, people are preparing for Ramadan even before Ramadan begins. Even the labels of water sold at the market are decorated with beautiful phrases informing of Ramadan, and on the front doors of each house, there are signs informing of Ramadan. Every time I pass by such a house, I cover it with the blood of Jesus and pray that it will be a time for them to seek and meet the Lord, the truth.

Story of Kazakh Sister M

Sister M in Kazakhstan is a sister who became even more firmly attached to Islam after her divorce and the death of her father.

Even on her way abroad for a short time to work, Sister M prepared for Ramadan while fasting. Even in the hottest days of summer in a city in the south of Kazakhstan, she worked hard in a restaurant, but she never took off her hijab. I preached the gospel to Sister M several times, but her response was the same.

“I was born into a Muslim family since my ancestors, and I have an imam grandfather. That’s why I have fasted during Ramadan since I was young. My heart is open to people of all religions, but my identity is Muslim.”

My heart was sad and aching as I saw Sister M’s spiritual situation, which was so closed off from the truth. I hope that Jesus will come to Sister M, who desperately calls out to false gods during this Ramadan fasting period, through dreams and visions! Please pray that the religious spirit and false truth of Islam that have been holding Sister M back for so long will be cut off in the name of Jesus, and that she will receive true salvation and freedom through Jesus. Please pray together that not only Sister M, but also all Kazakh Muslims who fast and pray for their sins to be washed away during the Ramadan period that has just begun, will come to Jesus through His Word and accept Him, the eternal salvation.

(Today's Prayer)

1. During the fasting period of Ramadan, please have pity on the souls of Kazakhs who hear the truth but do not understand it, and open their closed spiritual eyes and ears! I pray that the light of knowing Jesus Christ would shine into their hearts. Let them realize that their sins cannot be washed away through religious rituals, and let them confess that they can only be saved through faith in the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed for us on the cross!

2. Let us fight against the spirit of Islam, the spirit of materialism, and the spirit of religious integration that bind Kazakhstan in the name of Jesus Christ and pray waging spiritual warfare!

May the stronghold of Islam that has been holding them for 1,400 years now be cut off, and let them come before the gospel of Jesus Christ! Let the Kazakh people, who have become secularized, abandon their love for money and their value of money and rise up as a people who long for the eternal Kingdom of God! Among the churches in Kazakhstan, please break down the false peace that all religions are one due to the World Religious Unity Conference and the ideology that obscures the truth!

May the be awakened with discernment as a nation that proclaims only the gospel and only Jesus as the truth! Please restore the holy worship that should be offered to God among this nation!

3. This March, the Central Asia Silk Road Mission Camp will be held. We hope that all the churches in Central Asia will unite with one vision during this Silk Road Mission Camp. Please restore the Silk Road highway that has been blocked by Islam and let them rise up as a missional church that testifies the gospel to the ends of the earth along that highway!

We declare that the revival in Kazakhstan will be the revival of all nations. Please prepare the Kazakhstan church in advance for the coming persecution and tribulation. Awaken the remaining Russian Church, and let the one million army of the Chinese Church and the Persian Church rise up together and become the voice of one crying out in the wilderness to prepare the way for the Lord's second coming!



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