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[Emergency Prayer] Israel&Palestine War 19

1) Israeli Youth Generation

During this time of war, it is known that Israeli youth are coming out into society, traveling around town and doing volunteer work in the community. Volunteer work includes babysitting children, delivering art supplies to children coming home from school, harvesting vegetables, dismantling sukkahs (temporary huts built during the Feast of Tabernacle), preparing and stocking food for soldiers, and even digging graves. . “We need to bring the whole country together, especially in these difficult times.” “It’s important to let those who feel lonely know that they are not alone and that we are here to help.” In Israel, young people are generally not given many responsibilities before they graduate from high school, and they are required to serve military service as soon as they turn 18. After the war began, most young men and some women have been conscripted for military service, and until recently, schools were closed, but a generation of youth is serving where a helping hand is needed and is being established as a member of Israel.

2) Christians in Gaza

There are only about 1,100 Christians in the Gaza Strip, less than 0.05% of the total population of the Gaza Strip. Most of them are Greek Orthodox Christians and live scattered throughout the Gaza Strip. They were persecuted by the Hamas government in the Gaza Strip. Discrimination against Christians led to a lack of employment opportunities, economic difficulties, and pressure to convert, and in 2009, some Christians were martyred, as a church was blown up. For these reasons, new generations and families in Gaza did not stay in Gaza but emigrated or left in search of freedom. A Palestinian Christian in the Gaza Strip said, "My family and I are trying to escape the fear, but it is very difficult. We are praying for love and peace to come to this land. We are a light in the midst of pitch darkness, and we are trying to bring Christ to the Gaza Strip. I want to spread light and love.” he confessed. A pastor in the Gaza Strip responded to the Hamas attack on October 7 by saying, “Christians in Palestine and Jewish Christians in Israel have a special role to play at this time. I pray that God will help us stand as disciples of the Lord and spread God’s love to both sides, shine light in the darkness, and share the fact that God is with us even in difficult situations,” he confessed.

[Prayer Topics]

1. Thank you for raising up the next generation in Israel that does not follow the the dark times. The next generation is the hope of this nation. Let a generation like the morning dew, bearing the pain and difficulties of our nation, praying, and devoting themselves, rise up in this land.

2. We bless the Christians in Gaza who did not kneel and kept their faith despite persecution. Although there are fears amongst this war, would you help us achieve salvation by receiving the confessions of those who want to be a light, testify the gospel, and love these two nations.

3. Lord, you said there is a remnant. Would you raise up disciples of Yeshua throughout Israel and Palestine. May they stand up boldly and fulfill the Great Commission. Please awaken all souls and churches and allow them to rise up as the light of the Gentiles.

Therefore it was necessary for him to be made like his brethren in all respects, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make atonement for the sins of the people. For in that he has suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted. Hebrews 2:17-18)

We praise Jesus, who has already taken on all our sins and weaknesses. I praise the Lord who knows their hearts and situations best and is able to help them.

Please listen to the church’s confession and grant all our requests and wishes. Please help us become a church that is not one of those who retreat and perish, but one that triumphs through faith that saves souls. Please come as a faithful high priest, forgive the sins of this land, and fulfill the work of life. Please restore us to a nation that loves only our savior, Yeshua.

Therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people. For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted (Hebrew 2:17-18)

We praise Jesus, who has already taken on all our sins and weaknesses. We praise the Lord who knows their hearts and situations best and is able to help them.

Would you hear the confession of the church and grant all our requests and hopes. Please help us become a church that will not retreat or perish, but become a church that triumphs through faith that saves souls. Would you come as a faithful high priest, forgive the sins of this land, and fulfill the work of life. Please restore them to be a nation that loves only our savior, Yeshua.


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