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[Field News] Georgia Rises as a Bold Witness of Christ

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Hello! My name is Ellis and I live as a member of an ethnic minority in Georgia. I grew up in a Muslim family.

My mother came to believe in Jesus through a chance encounter with a Korean teacher, and continues her religious life by attending worship once a week.

My mother, who had been secretly practicing her faith on her own, began taking me to church and worshiping with me.

As I was naturally participating in worship and getting to know Jesus, I was very surprised to see children from different countries who were similar in age to me worshiping.

Since I had been quietly living a religious life in secret, I was shocked and challenged to see that there were so many young people around the world who believed in and followed Jesus.

After being challenged by their faith, I began to believe in the fact that Jesus was crucified and died because of me.

And although I had not told my friends that I was a Christian, I boldly shared it at my school, which was a Muslim school.

And I was completely liberated from the pressure and burden that had been weighing on me while secretly living a religious life for a long time!

I have a bigger vision and dream. I had a dream to become a missionary who spread the word of God to all nations.

Please pray together so that more young people can come before God!

“the life was made manifest, and we have seen it, and testify to it and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was made manifest to us— that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. And we are writing these things so that our joy may be complete.” (1 John 1:2-4)

Amen, we praise the Lord for revealing and confirming God’s love to us!

God, thank you for sending precious co-workers to Sister Ellis so she can realize who God is and allowing her to be challenged through more co-workers. Furthermore, her faith in you grew ands she became a bold witness for Christ.

This all is the grace of the Lord!

Hallelujah, Your work is so amazing and beautiful.

God, please help Sister Ellis enter into a deeper fellowship with Jesus through your eternal love that you have revealed to her.

Please grant this sister the wisdom to understand God and the eyes to discover God, so that she can see more of God's character and work that He wants to show us.

Please pour out the joy of heaven among the people of the Lord who have increased faith and are living fruitfully according to the Word!!

May you allow us to have every nation and people in our hearts as we proclaim and praise our God who works and meets us in our lives! Hallelujah!


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