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[Field Story] Boldly approaching the throne of grace, Yemen

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Hello, my name is Bashir, a Yemeni refugee.

I am currently living in a neighboring country as a refugee due to the civil war in my country.

There was no hope in my life. With a divided nation, in poverty, and with a growing emptiness, I was just surviving each day.

Then one day, I happened to meet Christians and talked with them.

Somehow, even though it was our first time meeting, we ended up opening up and sharing deeply about our lives. As I listened to their stories, I realized that they all met Jesus and their lives were changed.

It was truly amazing. I didn't even know that there was such a god, but hearing my friends' stories made me want to meet Jesus.

After that, I started reading the Bible with my friends. It was very difficult at first, but the more I read the Bible, the more Jesus' love filled my heart.

Even after I believed in Jesus, the trials in my life continued. There were incidents that made my faith waver, such as having a finger cut off while working.

However, I now believe that Jesus lives in me. Please pray for me that I would live with Jesus anytime and anywhere, and that all people who are in sorrow can also be restored through the love of Jesus Christ.

Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:14-16)

Lord, who gives us the grace to help in times of need, we thank you for your grace to Brother Bashir, a Yemeni refuge from civil war.

Thank you God for leading Brother Bashir, who was just surviving day to day without hope, in poverty and growing emptiness, to those who believe in Jesus, so that he may know the love of Jesus through the Bible.

Although the trials of life continue even after believing in Jesus, may the Lord, who shares our weaknesses, add unto brother Bashir the grace to help in time of need every day. May Brother Bashir live holding only onto Jesus Christ, the Son of God in whom we believe!

There are many refugees who have lost their homes due to the ongoing civil war in Yemen and they cross over to neighboring countries. Please let the civil war in Yemen come to an end quickly, and help them to live with the hope of heaven, the eternal home, rather than putting their hopes in what is perishable.

May Brother Bashir rise up as a missionary who shares Jesus Christ, preaching the gospel to the brothers and sisters who also live as refugees.

As Brother Bashir witnesses the gospel, may the Yemeni people, who suffer in the civil war, return to Lord Jesus and join the holy body of Christ, so they themselves may rise up to preach the gospel to all nations and prepare the return of Jesus Christ, our high priest and the Son of God!


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