[Field Story] China Releases U.S. Prisoners… Allows 3 Xinjiang Uyghurs to Travel to U.S.

It has been reported that China has allowed Xinjiang Uyghur residents (two Chinese, one American) to leave the United States after releasing three American citizens in a prisoner swap agreement with the United States.
On the 2nd (local time), the New York Times ( NYT ) reported that "the Chinese government recently released three American prisoners, allowing Aisem Mamut and two other Uyghurs (one of them an American citizen) to travel to the United States on the condition of a 'quiet departure'."
According to the NYT, the three Uyghurs arrived in the United States on the same plane as the three Americans on the 27th of last month.
It was previously reported that China had released three American prisoners, but this is the first time that it has allowed three Uyghurs who had been under its control to leave the United States.
However, neither the American nor the Chinese government have announced this fact.
Aisem Mamut is the mother of Nurie Terkel, an American lawyer of Uyghur descent and human rights activist.
Mamut's eldest son, Nuri Terkel, visited the United States as a researcher in 1995 and applied for asylum.
Nuri Terkel is the chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom and has testified about China’s human rights abuses against the Uyghurs.
Mamut visited the United States with her husband in 2000 and 2004 and met with her son, but she had been banned from leaving the country since then.
The identities of the two Uyghurs who were allowed to leave the United States this time, other than Mamut, have not been revealed.
Source: News
To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen (Jude 1:24-25)
On March 27, we learned of the release of three Uighur American citizens imprisoned in China.
While the Chinese authorities have granted release to Uyghurs of other nationalities, the freedom of Uyghurs of Chinese nationality is unthinkable.
However, we believe that God will protect the Uyghurs and bring them back blameless and holy with joy!
May Jesus Christ, the only Savior of the Uyghurs, do new work among the Uyghurs from the beginning to the end!
May the Uyghurs no longer be an oppressed people in China, but a people who will worship the Lord, to whom be power and glory forever and ever, and who will unite all nations by the cross!
May the Chinese Church be a church that prays for and supports the vision of 10,000 missionaries to the Uyghurs, asking God to wipe away their pain and tears!
With the intercession and support of the Chinese Church, let the Uyghur people rise up as the main body of a million armies marching to serve other Muslim peoples along the Silk Road!