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[Field Story] Chosen by God to lead all nations to the Lord, Kyrgyzstan

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Hello, my name is Nurgul and I am from Kyrgyzstan.

Recently, I happened to meet Christians, fellowshipped with them, and became friends.

Whenever I met these friends, I always heard stories about Jesus and the love of the cross, but I didn't pay much attention to the stories because they were unfamiliar and I couldn't really understand them.

Then one day, I heard that my son, who worked as a taxi driver, had been involved in a car accident caused by an unlicensed driver.

I felt like the sky was falling down. At that startling time, a ray of light pierced my heart. It was Jesus Christ.

When there was no one I could rely on, not even my brothers or friends, Jesus came to my mind. I entrusted everything to Him and began to rely on Him.

Only then did I come to confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God, and that He is the only Savior who will save me.

From now on, I give all my life and hopes to the Lord. Please pray with me that not only myself, but my family and my son will abide in Jesus Christ.

4 As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, 5 you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:4-5).

Amen. We praise the Lord, God of love who loves all nations and all souls and gave Jesus Christ, the living stone chosen by God.

Lord, thank you for coming as a light in the heart of Sister Nurgul, who felt like the sky was falling due to her son's accident, and for reminding her of the love of Christ Jesus on the cross.

No one in the world could understand the sister's sorrow or comfort her, but we believe that our God knows all of Sister Nurgul's heart and is her only refuge.

Would You be pleased with her confession as she acknowledges the Lord as her Savior and that she will give her whole life to the Lord. Lead her to the Lord, the precious living stone, and make her a child that will be used in holiness.

Are there Kyrgyz souls like Sister Nurgul who are caught up in sorrow and frustration? Would You use sister Nurgul as Your holy hands and feet and grant them God's comfort and love.

So now, let Kyrgyzstan rise up as a nation of priests who are chosen by God, understand His heart, and lead all nations to the Lord.


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