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[Field Story] Dagestan, rising up as a child of the Lord dressed in white and overcoming the world


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Hello. I am Mariam and I live in Dagestan.

My parents divorced right after I was born and I lived with my mother.

However, my mother started suffering from stomach cancer a year ago and passed away 6 months ago, so I now live alone.

I hated the laws and culture of Islam, so I wanted to convert, and I started studying the Bible on my own 10 years ago.

I had never received an answer when I prayed in the Islamic way before, but when I read the Bible and prayed, I received an answer, and I later converted to Christianity.

Then one day, while I was on a walk, I happened to meet some friends from Korea, and when we started talking about religion, I carefully told them that I was a Christian.

My friends were surprised and asked me how I converted, and I told them about what had happened to me. However, I had no personal experience of meeting Jesus, and my Korean friends encouraged me to read the Word together and pray to meet God, and we promised to meet regularly in the future.

Please pray I, who desperately wants to meet Jesus, definitely meets Him, and that I can be used as a precious young person like the morning dew who lives only for the Lord!

Yet you have still a few names in Sardis, people who have not soiled their garments, and they will walk with me in white, for they are worthy. The one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments, and I will never blot his name out of the book of life. I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels.(Rev. 3:4-5)

Thank you, God.

Thank you for allowing Sister Mariam to experience God who answers our prayers through the Word and prayer, not through Islamic law and culture.

Thank you for renewing Sister Mariam with the eternal Jesus Christ in her life of family difficulties.

I believe that the Lord chose and called Sister Mariam. Please see the earnest desire to meet Jesus in Sister Mariam’s heart and meet her personally.

Please touch Sister Mariam with the Holy Spirit and meet her through the time of meeting, fellowship, and grace with the community.

When she meets Jesus, grant her the grace to repent of all her sins, and raise up the Dagestan youth as children of God dressed in white!

Please use Sister Mariam as the church, the body of Jesus Christ, that will bring about the salvation of Dagestan and the salvation of all nations!

Through Sister Mariam, may the Lord’s holy youth, like the morning dew, arise in all nations!

So may the Dagestan and Caspian people rise up as a victorious nation in the end times, and may they now be reborn as a nation that runs toward the will of God that He desires and wants to accomplish!

By 2030, spread the gospel to 1 million people in the Caspian! 10,000 disciples of Jesus! Rise up! Caspian One Vision will be fulfilled!



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