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[Field Story] Indonesia who will prepare the way of the Lord to come

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Hello. My name is Beria Tin and I live in Indonesia.

As I was getting ready to go out with my mom, Koreans came to visit my village. I was surprised that a foreigner had come to my village, so I welcomed them warmly and invited them to my house.

Actually, I was an adopted daughter. My mother, who adopted me, is a Christian, but I have lived as a Muslim and did not lose my Muslim identity even after being adopted.

However, as the emptiness and wounds from my life were not resolved by Islam, my faith in Islam began to waver. However, it turned out that the Koreans who visited my house were actually Christians, and when they told me about Jesus. It was the first time I experienced my heart being touched, and I accepted Jesus on the spot.

My mother, who was watching this, shed tears and confessed, “I have been praying for my Muslim daughter for a long time, and I am so thankful that God sent you to hear the gospel and be saved.” And he continued to shed tears as he hugged the Koreans.

As I realized that my mother had been praying for me like this, I became convinced that this was a moment that God had planned and guided for a long time. I was so grateful to my mother who had prayed up to this point and to God who had listened to her prayers.

I confess that God saves lives even through people with whom I have no relationship and provides comfort and hope to believers!

Now, I want to become a witness who comes alive through the gospel and saves other souls with the gospel!

Please pray together so that they can be established as a holy church that overcomes any persecution and difficulties by faith until the end!

“I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20)

We praise God who loved the world and gave His only Son, Jesus Christ.

We are thankful that Sister Beria Tin, whose mother is a Christian but has always lived as a Muslim, was able to accept Jesus through a Korean who visited her home.

We believe that it is entirely the grace of the Lord who loved Sister Beria Tin so much that He answered her mother's prayer for her daughter's salvation.

Now, would you receive the confession that they want to rise up as witnesses who will come back to life with the gospel and save other souls with the gospel. And would you use Sister Beria Tin to help the Indonesian people to live for Christ!

Please help us become the Indonesian nation and church that does not live for ourselves, but live for Jesus and die for Jesus, and prepares the way for the coming of the Lord no matter what suffering and persecution may come.


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