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[Field Story] Japan, the nation that would leave everything and become fishers of men


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Hello. My name is Saori and I live in Japan.

I am divorced from my husband and have two young children.

After my divorce, I became very ill and my health deteriorated, and it became difficult for me to take care of my two children, so I became depressed. I even tried to commit suicide several times.

I went to a cult for comfort, but I quickly realized that they were not teaching me the truth, so I left and heard about Jesus through a friend.

After that, I decided that I needed to go to church, so I went to church.

The pastor's message made me believe that Jesus is the only true savior.

I loved the church because they treated me like family.

After going to church every week and studying the Bible, I decided to get baptized, and since then, I've been living a whole new life.

My life, which was dark and blind, turned into light when I met Jesus, and I became a completely new person.

I want to see more people in need in the darkness find Jesus like I did, and more people living in the light.

I play praise music loudly at work. I also share the gospel of Jesus with my friends through my testimony on social media.

Please pray that I can be used as an instrument so that souls who are wandering in darkness and despair can meet Jesus like me!

“When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. (Luke 5:4-6,10)

Heavenly Father, whose mercy and grace endure forever, we praise you today for reigning over all the nations.

We thank you for meeting Sister Saori from Japan, who was divorced, raising children, depressed, and even attempted suicide.

We confess that it is by Your grace that we have met You, seeking the truth in a time of suffering and adversity, and confessing the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior.

Please anoint Sister Saori, who has now been baptized and is testifying at work and among her friends, with the anointing of the Holy Spirit so that she may more boldly witness to souls in darkness and despair.

Through Sister Saori, may all the countless idols of Japan be destroyed, and may Japan turn to You and serve You alone.

And let the Japanese people, forsaking everything and following only You, become a people-fishing nation, advancing beyond Japan, sending out 500,000 missionaries from ASEAN to Jerusalem!



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