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[Field Story] Kyrgyzstan will restore the nations with the power of the Gospel

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Hello. My name is Sabina from Kyrgyzstan.

I am married and have children, but my husband leaves home frequently and rarely comes home, and my eldest son has not returned after leaving for Russia to work.

Just thinking about my family makes me cry because I miss them so much and feel so alone.

But one day, I met Christians.

I invited them to my home and had a great time with them.

While spending time with them, the Christian friends shared the gospel with me through John 3:16, and I slowly began to ponder the words and meditate on Jesus.

At that time, my friends asked me if I would accept Jesus as my Savior, and I decided to accept Jesus.

I also shared the gospel to my young daughter, and she said she would also accept Jesus.

After that happened, my husband came home again, and his face looked full of sadness.

When I asked why, I learned that her husband's older brother had recently passed away.

I want Jesus to comfort my husband's sorrowful heart.

Please pray that through me and my young daughter, our entire family will be saved and many souls in Kyrgyzstan will come to know Jesus!

But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are,(1 Cor. 1:27-28)

I praise the Lord who strengthens the weak and is able to work through the foolish.

Thank you for helping Sister Sabina, who was caught up in loneliness due to her scattered family, to realize the love of God who generously gave His only begotten son, and for restoring her to the love of the Savior Jesus who loved her with all His life.

Lord, may the gospel be shared to her children and her husband through Sister Sabina.

May the power of the gospel comfort her husband who is in sorrow and difficulty. Instead of the worries and sorrow, may he be filled with the joyful sound of praise!

May this family be restored through love, so that they may become a church that prays together for all peoples and nations!

May the power of the Lord, who lifts up and uses those who are weak, foolish, and despised in the world, come fully upon this family, that there may be the work of salvation in her family and also a change of destiny for the Kyrgyz people.


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