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[Field Story] Morocco, the Kingdom of God

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hello. My name is Samir and I live in Morocco.

Since I was young, my father lived with his second wife and did not have much interest in me and my mother.

As I lived without financial support, I devoted myself to my studies, thinking that I had to overcome poverty on my own.

Even though I was living struggling every day with no one to rely on, I felt sorry for children in poor neighborhoods like me and taught them to study.

Then one day, I happened to meet Christians passing by in my neighborhood, we became friends, and I became curious about them, so I went to a worship meeting.

At the worship meeting, they talked about Jesus, but at first, I liked the love and encouragement shown by my Christian friends more than the content, so I kept going.

However, there I experienced the Holy Spirit, true freedom, and the amazing experience of believing in Jesus.

I once watched video testimonies of people who were Muslims but became Christians. At the time, I thought it was all a lie, but it was amazing that something like that had happened to me, and at the same time, I am truly grateful.

I have a great desire to let the children in my neighborhood know about Jesus, whom I have met, and to help their families enjoy true joy and freedom.

Please pray for me that the Lord will give me courage and work for my neighbors.

20 And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. 21 “Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you shall be satisfied. “Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh. (Luke 6:20-21)

I praise God for being the father of Brother Samir.

I thank the Lord for leading Brother Samir to the Holy Spirit and giving him freedom, as he lived each day without financial support and no one to rely on.

The kingdom of God has come to Brother Samir. He is full and blessed because of the gospel.

Now, please help him become someone who spreads that blessing to his family and neighbors.

Please help him spread the gospel to the poor and sick who do not have the gospel and help them enjoy true joy and freedom.

Just as the Holy Spirit met Brother Samir, may the Holy Spirit meet his family and neighbors, and may a burning church of the Holy Spirit be established throughout the village.

Furthermore, please help him rise up as disciples who proclaim the kingdom of God to all the poor and hungry in Morocco, Maghreb, and all nations and prepare disciples for the Lord's return.


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