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[Field Story] Myanmar, a people who will testify to the gospel until death

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Hello. My name is Sue, and I live in Myanmar.

I was born into a family that believed in Buddhism for generations and had followed my parents’ religion growing up. Two years ago, I started going to church to study Korean.

While studying Korean through the Bible at church, I came to know Jesus, and soon I felt a desire to believe in Jesus.

I believed the words in the Bible that anyone who calls on the name of Jesus will be saved, and I prayed to call on the name of Jesus and welcome Him as the master of my heart. The grace that overflowed within me at that time cannot be expressed in words!

My religious life was not easy when I started to believe in Jesus.

My parents and relatives scolded me, saying that I should not believe in any other gods in my family except Buddha, and I would get hurt every time and cry and pray at church.

Then one day, I heard the Lord’s voice comforting me, saying, “It’s hard now, but things will be okay later.” In this way, I met with the God who comforts me!

Now I am away from my parents and am training as a minister in a church and living in a community.

I am filled with joy whenever I pray and worship to my heart’s content at church, as I could not do so at home.

I am thankful that I have the gift of media and am serving in media. As I receive training at church and think about being used in God’s dream of spreading the gospel to the nations, my hope grows stronger day by day.

My prayer request is that my family believes in Jesus and is saved, and that we can enter the kingdom of God together. Please pray that this word, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you and your household will be saved,” will be fulfilled in my family!

For none of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself. For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's. (Romans 14:7-8)

Dear God, thank you for loving Sister Sue so much and leading her to the church and granting her the amazing grace of salvation to accept Jesus as her Savior.

After deciding to believe in Jesus, she had a hard time in her heart due to her family’s opposition and persecution, but we prasie the Lord who comforted her and gave her true joy and hope when she came to you!

Just as you met and saved Sister Sue in the darkness, please let her family meet Jesus and be saved and live together in the kingdom of God.

Also, through the time Sister Sue receives training in the church community, please let her surrender her life and hold on to God’s dream and vision to the end and be trained as a minister who goes out to the nations with the gospel!

Through Sister Sue’s testimony, please let the youth of Myanmar also come closer to the vision you have given to the Myanmar people. May one million ASEAN spiritual alliance rise up as an elephant army that follows the ASEAN Highway and whether they live or die, shout for the Lord and advance to Jerusalem with the gospel!



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