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[Field Story] Tatar, following only the will of God

Hello, my name is Arslan and I live in Tatarstan.

When I was young, I experienced a great shock due to my parents' divorce, and my only goal in life became to have a good job and a stable life.

Everyday, I lived being strict on myself. However, when I became a college student, I found myself feeling empty and depressed every day.

Then, I suddenly remembered when I was young, what my mother's friends told me about Jesus when they came to my house.

As an atheist, what they told me seemed so distant, but as time passed, I suddenly became curious about Jesus. So, I read the Bible on my own and looked up Christianity on the Internet.

Then one day, by chance, I met a Christian on the street.

As I got to know him, I learned what a Christian is. Through that friend, I came to attend the worship, praised together and started to know about God.

When I came to know Jesus, the purpose of my life changed. Before, I lived a desperate life trying to overcome reality, but now I want to live the life of a disciple who follows Jesus.

Please pray for me that I will know God more deeply and that my life will bear good fruit like Jesus, so that I can be used in the kingdom of God!

But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever. (1 John 2:5,17)

We praise you God, for choosing Brother Arslan from the beginning and saving him.

Thank you that you have met the brother when he was suffering from emptiness and depression in a broken family, thirsty for the truth.

May you receive his confession, that he wants to live the life of a disciple following Jesus. Just as he confessed, may Brother Arslan only keep the word of God and do His will.

Your word said that whoever keeps the word of God, God's love will be perfected, and that we will be in Him. With the perfect love of God, please help Brother Arslan spread the gospel to the people of Tatarstan, who are immersed in emptiness, depression, and darkness just like he was before.

In this way, may the Tatarstan Church rise up as a holy church that also prepares the way for the coming of the Lord, only doing the will of God, and following only Jesus.


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