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[Field Story] The leader who fears the King Jehovah, Kazakhstan

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Hi, I'm Noorai from Kazakhstan.

I grew up in the countryside and came to the city five years ago to study, and after I graduated from university, I was wondering what to do with my life.

One day, while walking through a shopping mall, I met a Christian woman who told me about Jesus Christ who changed her life. Her story was interesting to me because I had never known anything about religion other than Islam.

It was a short but interesting time, and a few days later I was invited by her to visit her home to hear more about her personal life. We continued to meet after that, and one Sunday I was invited to a gathering. For the first time, we sang religious songs, read from the Bible, and talked about it. Of course, it was different from what I knew, but I didn't feel uncomfortable because none of the people gathered there were pushing or demanding anything from me. As I continued to join the gathering, I enjoyed the atmosphere of sharing my thoughts and stories freely. Little by little, I opened up and shared my life, and I was happy and grateful that there were people who could relate to what I was saying. Praying together, asking how each other was doing and noting if anything was bothering them, also became a bit of an adjustment, so I told them that I had a prayer request, and when they prayed for me, I experienced something I had never seen or felt before.

It was only after long period listening to the word that I had the courage to confess that Jesus is not just a prophet, but a sinner's savior and the Lord of my life. Within two years of going to the Sunday meetings, I admitted it with my own lips. I don't know exactly when this belief started, but I know that something has changed in my life. Since I started listening to the sermons, I keep thinking about what I heard, and I know that changes are happening in my life that make me live differently than before. I want the words and good things that Jesus said to be fulfilled in my life, and I try to put them into practice. Now I also have a desire to help others. I want more young people like me to come to the meetings, and now I have more courage to share my transformation with my friends.

Please pray with me that I will be raised up as a holy worker to lead many young people to Jesus!

“Which God will bring about in his own time—God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords” (Timothy 6:15)

Amen, we thank God for the manifestation of Sister Noorai. Praise God for His blessings on Noorai.

We thank you that you have called Noorai to hear the gospel and to be a laborer to share the gospel with other young people.

Praise God that she left behind the idea of living for herself and served God, the King of kings, with the gospel.

May every young man in Kazakhstan hear Sister Noorai's testimony and rise up as a laborer to proclaim Your vision!

As Sister Noorai boldly communicates the love of the cross to the youth of Kazakhstan, may the youth of Kazakhstan rise up like the dawn dew to come to the worship gatherings, acknowledging Your sovereignty and proclaiming Your Word!

Raise up a church in Kazakhstan that will embrace the cross with Sister Noorai's devotion and serve the nations for You as King!


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