[2025 Ramadan] Day 15 Conquer the Spiritual Babylon! Iran, The elite FM army that destroys the kings and high officials and establishes the Lord's throne
Updated: 1 day ago

<Iran Ramadan Scene>
The Iranian government's continued threats in the Middle East and the result of the economic sanctions by the West are affecting the Iranian people with great suffering to the point that their livelihoods are challenged.
There are fewer jobs available, yet the prices are soaring high and the Iranian souls are in a more miserable and difficult situation than ever, trying to survive day to day on meager pays. Perhaps because of this, most Iranians are saying that they will not fast this Ramadan.
Their deep resentment toward the unchanging regime and the current situation is now directed to God and they say that there is no more hope. And as the youth no longer have any lingering attachment to hopeless Iran and are leaving for the neighboring country of Turkey, the hardship and weariness of those who remain are growing every day.
This Ramadan, we need to pray that God will hear the cries of the souls in Iran and save them, and meet each and every one of them in dreams and visions.
When the Christians in Iran, the world’s number one reviving nation, come before God in fervent prayer and fasting like Esther with the determination to “die if I die” for the situation of their beloved people, we hope that the Purim of Iran will be proclaimed and the fate of the people will change.
The history of grace in which Iranian church leaders come to Global Alliance and together take on the mission of the Great Commission will be fulfilled during this Ramadan.
<Turkey Persian Refugees>
Many refugees are waiting for Ramadan to receive blessings and hope for success before they attempt to illegally enter Europe again after Ramadan, when the weather gets warmer.
Persian women with strong religious beliefs are seen preparing for Ramadan by cleaning their homes in advance, organizing gatherings together, and praying. Through Ramadan, Muslims are once again strengthening their Islamic community and identity.
The hearts of refugees are more hardened than ever amidst realistic difficulties such as an imperfect future and soaring prices.
May the refugees realize during this Ramadan that the hopes and blessings they so desperately desire are not obtained through their own efforts and actions, and that only Jesus, who gave them the most precious gift of eternal life by moving them from death to life, is their true hope and blessing.
The refugees, who are like the Samaritan woman poor in spirit, are remnants chosen by grace and have received Jesus and are living in faith along with a believing community. During Ramadan, they are praying two hours at dawn and keeping their hearts.
Recently, during an offline women's gathering where we had a fervent worship and prayer time together, a Persian refugee sister burst into tears as she saw a vision of Jesus wearing white clothes and with a shining face, comforting her and telling her not to worry about anything.
Another Persian refugee sister had a vision of light shining on her, and another sister experienced Jesus lifting her heavy burden and lightening her heart, and she cried and felt the joy of coming closer to Jesus as she felt peace that she had never felt in her life.
Not long ago, they had tried to enter Europe illegally by taking a small rubber boat in the cold winter sea with their families and all their savings, but they had been heartbroken by their repeated failures. They met the community and prayed together online for two hours every morning for a month, and through this offline prayer meeting, they met the Lord personally.
The refugees realized that going to Europe was not another way to escape the harsh reality, but that God has sent them for a missional calling and now have come to understand their true identity.
Hallelujah! So during this Ramadan, they decided to place their hope only in the living Lord and fast and pray together for their family members and unbelieving neighbors. Above all, we have decided to wait for the Lord’s best time and pursue the mission we have received until then.
There are still Persian refugees who have faith like the remnants who did not bow down to Baal. We need to pray that the refugees who have been scattered like the winds of the prophetic word will be established as the last army FM who will destroy the king and high officials wherever they go and prepare the way for the Lord’s return by establishing the Lord’s throne.
[Today’s Prayer]
1. Please allow the thirst of Iranians and refugees from the Turks, who have nowhere to put their hearts amidst the rocketing prices and strong sanctions, to meet and seek the Lord, the only source of living water, during this Ramadan.
2. When the Iranian believers and Persian refugee churches, who are experiencing the greatest revival in the world, fast and pray together during this Ramadan, may the vicious bonds that have been binding them for many years and the strong spiritual foundation of Islam be broken and severed.
3. Remembering the fulfillment of the prophecies in the Bible, may a powerful prayer movement begin during this Ramadan in which we disperse and stay in every place with prayers and words to destroy kings and high-ranking officials and allow Jesus Christ, the true ruler, to take the throne, so that the Persian Elamite army, Iran, and the Turkey Persian refugees who will fulfill the prophecies may unite to conquer Babylon and establish the FM army, the elite force that prepares the way for the Lord's second coming.