[Ramadan 2025] Day 16: Neighbors to All Nations! Friends to All Nations! The Victorious Army Raising a United Force of All Nations in the Last Days! The Kurds

The Kurdish people, the world's largest ethnic minority, are primarily distributed across Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Estimated to number between 30 to 45 million, they are often seen as an unfortunate people scattered across various countries without a nation of their own. However, historically, they are the people who conquered Assyria, which had destroyed the Northern Kingdom of Israel.
Esther, the queen of the Median Empire who saved the captured Israelites, Cyrus the Great who judged Babylon and restored the Jewish temple and people, the Magi who foretold the coming of Jesus, and even the Medes who were present at Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended and spoke of God's mighty deeds in various languages—all were of Kurdish descent. Thus, the Kurds were instrumental in God's grand and miraculous plan of salvation in the Bible.
"Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, who shall not regard silver, and as for gold, they shall not delight in it." (Isaiah 13:17)
Amen! Though Babylon was judged through the Medes in history, we believe God is raising a new generation among the Kurdish people to prepare for the final battle against the unseen spiritual Babylon that still holds worldly power.
Though they appear to be unattached and unsettled, the Kurdish people have permeated various nations. Despite having their own language, they have learned the languages and understood the cultures of the countries they live in. Having endured long persecution and lived as sojourners, the Kurds know better than anyone that there is no hope or permanence in this world.
The Story of Sister Y:
Born Kurdish, Sister Y and her family lived a life of constant discrimination in Syria due to their ethnicity. Fifteen years ago, they moved to Turkey due to the Syrian civil war. The pain of war was already immense, but the vastly different language and culture of Turkey made them targets of ridicule and contempt.
Sister Y, who settled in Turkey as a child and grew into a young adult, lived without hope and in emptiness, unaware of the gospel. Upon hearing the gospel, she immediately accepted it with grace. Like the Medes called in God's history in the Bible, she is now testifying to the gospel of God's peace and life among all nations.
"Now I know why God called me here! Our Kurdish people will rise as God's holy soldiers until the Lord returns!"
We praise God for the grace that allowed Sister Y to hold onto her identity as a people called by God from the beginning, without despairing in the midst of all the pain and sorrow of the world!
The Kurdish people, who have gained ownership in the Kingdom of God rather than a nation on earth, are a people who will fulfill the mission of bearing witness by spreading the gospel in the languages of various nations! When the gospel is preached among the Kurdish people, every stronghold will be broken, and they will be restored as a holy Median people who rejoice in God and fulfill His mission! During this Ramadan, the Kurdish people, like Sister Y, will fulfill the holy mission of spreading the gospel among all nations and awakening the churches of all nations!
In the last days, may God's work of salvation be completed through the Kurdish people, who do not worship vain idols but reclaim the lost, who become neighbors and friends to all nations, and who spread the life-giving gospel of Jesus Christ!
(Today's Prayer)
1. A new generation is rising among the Kurdish people to wage the final spiritual battle. During this Ramadan, filled with falsehood and contradiction, may holy soldiers be recruited to proclaim the truth.
2. "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Amen! We pray that the Kurdish people will stand on this clear and firm confession. As workers preach the gospel, may the power of Satan over the Kurdish people be broken. May grace be poured out upon every soul that hears the gospel, restoring their calling and identity in God.
3. May a vast multitude rise in the global church to prepare for the Lord's return, together with the Kurdish people, who will become neighbors and friends to all nations, and who will raise a holy army of all nations in the last days.