[Today’s Prayer] Chinese authorities cut off electricity and water to pastor's home

According to Voice of the Martyrs Korea (VOM Korea) and its Chinese ministry partner, China Aid, Pastor Wu Wuqing and his family from Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, who are facing harsh persecution by the Chinese government, were forced to move from their current apartment to another location on October 17 after their water and electricity were cut off again.
“Pastor Woo and his wife are keeping their faith in the Lord well, but they asked for prayers for their family,” said Hyun Sook Foley, representative of VOM Korea. “Pastor Woo said he was thankful that he had access to running water and electricity when he was detained at the police station for two weeks in September, because the pastor’s household had been without water and electricity for about a month at the time.”
According to her, since the Chinese authorities began persecuting the Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu on December 9, 2018, by arresting Pastor Wang Yi and over 100 of its members, church leaders have been subjected to this kind of persecution, with water and electricity cut off and forced to move to other areas.
Hyun Sook Foley, the representative, said, “Pastor Woo asked the brothers and sisters of the church to pray for his family. He also prayed to God that he would overcome the new persecution by the authorities who are forcing him to move to another region, that he would treat his persecutors with the gentleness of Christ, and that he would remove the anger from his heart. He said, ‘When you pray for our family, you acknowledge that we are suffering because of our faith, and you are suffering with us. I pray that God will have mercy and help us with grace. ’”
Hyun Sook Foley, the president, noted that while Pastor Woo was personally struggling, he was also pastoring one of the most persecuted churches in the world. “Imagine preparing a sermon while tracking down the person who turned off the electric meter valve, or preparing for a church service when there was no running water in your home. Yet Pastor Woo never lost his joy in these circumstances, and he was determined to serve the Lord no matter the cost. The pastor, his wife, and all of the members of Early Rain Covenant Church are living examples of ‘endurance’ (cf. 2 Cor. 1:6), which the New Testament writers said was necessary for those who want to follow Christ,” she said.
Source: News
He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them - he remains faithful forever. He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The LORD sets prisoners free (Psalm 146:6-7)
God, we hear from a family of Chinese pastors who are standing up for their faith in the midst of oppression and persecution in the land of China.
Many churches in China continue to suffer under the oppression of the Chinese government today.
You are a God who judges with justice for the oppressed. Please watch over and protect the Early Visionary Church and its pastor and his family as they suffer from Chinese government repression and continued arrests.
Allow them to be the church and family that will not lose faith in any of these matters, but will be built up as a victorious church and family that will overcome and triumph by holding on to God alone.
Let the Chinese church endure all hardships with Jesus and see the fulfillment of the vision of one million missionaries among all nations!