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[Today’s Prayer] French police arrest protesters criticizing 'Olympic performance mocking Christianity' at gunpoint

Christian activists in Europe were arrested by police after protesting against a controversial drag queen performance at the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics.

According to the American Christian Post (CP), the Spanish conservative Christian group 'Citizengo' recently posted a slogan "Stop attacks on Christians" in Paris, France, with six members through the official X (formerly Twitter) account. It was revealed that he was imprisoned for a day while protesting on a large bus with this sign on it.

On one side of the bus, they attached a picture of “Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Last Supper’ parody performance,” which was criticized as blasphemy at the opening ceremony, and on the other side, they drew a large cross on top of the Olympic rings, the symbol of the Olympics.

The bus was traveling around downtown Paris on the 5th (local time) when it was stopped by the police near the Arc de Triomphe at around 6:30 p.m.

CitizenGo said, “It had been driving around downtown Paris without incident since 9 a.m. that day, but suddenly the police surrounded the bus, held it at gunpoint, and stopped the car,” adding, “The police charged the bus with ‘organizing an undeclared protest on a public road.’” “We arrested six Christians and the bus driver,” he said. They were released a few hours later as judicial authorities determined that the reason for their arrest was not clear.

CitizenGo founder and president Ignacio Arsuaga said, “The bus protest criticizing the mockery of Christians is not illegal in any way. (But) the police stopped the bus and applied the law to the fullest extent to limit free expression. Even the procedures were criticized as abnormal anti-Christian, political and ideological persecution.”

“The team members were imprisoned in terrible conditions, stripped of all their clothes, searched, unable to call a lawyer or drink water,” he said. “We will file a lawsuit against President Macron, prosecutors, and the French police.” “The woke government is becoming increasingly totalitarian,” he said.

CitizenGo previously launched a petition campaign against the mockery of Christianity that occurred at the Olympic opening ceremony.

This petition, which received more than 388,260 signatures as of the 7th, said, “At the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics, our Christian faith was publicly ridiculed in the most insulting way. “It is disgusting and disgusting to see naked transgender people and drag queens desecrating the sacred Last Supper.”

“What will happen if we remain silent?” “Our faith and beliefs will be permanently parodied by the queer, sexual minority and transgender lobby,” he said. “We cannot allow them to blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ with such obscene words.”

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.” (Romans 1:16-17)

We hear that Christian activists in Europe have been arrested by police for protests criticizing the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics.

We are seeing the times that are exalted against God. Father, who is wrathful against those who do not glorify you, who do not give thanks, but rather become vain in their thoughts, we know that you alone should be honored and glorified. You must be praised forever and ever.

We pray that the Christians of the global church will be bold in overcoming this world by keeping the faith to the end for the sake of God's kingdom.

Allow so that we may be a global church that is not afraid of a world that rejects the Word, not ashamed of the gospel, and that overcomes the world by faith.

Comfort and strengthen those who have been unjustly arrested for protesting in anger against those who mock God.

May we be the ones who stand up in Your army, keeping the faith to the end in the midst of tribulation.

Praise be to the King of kings, who will return to this earth and judge against all those who block the truth with injustice! You alone are king over all the earth; would you reign and rule!


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