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[Today’s Prayer] “Muslims are disillusioned with radical Islam… “Large-scale conversion expected.”

A former terrorist who converted to Christianity while working for the Fatah party and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in the 1990s said, “The Israel-Hamas war is preparing many Muslims in the Gaza Strip to convert (to Christianity).”

Taysir "Tass" Abu Saada (73), who recently appeared on Trinity Broadcasting Network, said in an interview with Israeli-American journalist Joel C. Rosenberg, "The Middle East “The scale of the shaking violence and destruction is extraordinary,” he said. “This means that the ‘end of time’ is fast approaching.”

He added, “This conflict has caused many Muslims in Gaza to become disillusioned with Hamas and radical Islam. “I hope that they will be able to open their hearts more to the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Saada, a Palestinian Muslim born in the Gaza Strip, is preparing to return home to be part of the ‘harvest’ after the war. He said, “Hamas is an ideology that spreads across many people, not only in Gaza but around the world. But God has a plan. I believe that the plan for Arabs and Jews is also part of that plan. “That is my hope.”

In his testimony shared with, Saada, who published his autobiography “Once an Arafat Man,” said, “After the Six-Day War in 1967, I felt like I had a nervous breakdown and my hatred grew. . I didn't understand how we could lose so many times in the war with Israel. Because we were larger than Israel in number and size and had more equipment. “Everything we had was more than they had, but we still lost the war against them.”

He continued, “I began to believe that our leaders had once again sold us out to the Jews, and I decided to fight for the land that I believed was ours at that time.

His family searched for him and forced him back to Qatar, where repeated violence and legal problems prompted his father to urge him to continue his education in the West. Saada traveled to the United States in 1974, where he married an American woman. I also met a Christian named Charlie, and after being friends with him for over 19 years, I ultimately came across the gospel through him.

When Charlie finally introduced her to the Christian faith in 1993, Sada was suffering spiritually. “Charlie told me that to experience peace of mind, I had to love the Jews,” Saada said. I was completely frozen and asked him how he could think of loving a Jew. “He knew that I hated Jews, and like most Arabs, the only good Jew to me was a dead Jew.”

“When Charlie opened the New Testament to read John 1:1, I was scared and reluctant,” Saada said. “But as soon as Charlie read the passage about the divinity of Jesus Christ, he started shaking so hard that he fainted,” he recalled.

He confessed, “When I regained consciousness after having a supernatural experience of Jesus appearing in bright light, I immediately gave my life to Him.” Saada's wife and son also became Christians.

Saada returned to Israel in 2003 after feeling that Jesus was asking him to confess his violent sin and change of heart to the Israelites. He was arrested, and an Israeli colonel released him after 14 hours of interrogation.

“I told the heavily armed Israeli soldier, ‘I once fought for Arafat, but then I became a Christian and I want to pray for you,’” Saaa said. “Then the soldier started crying and asked to be hugged.”

After becoming Christians, Saada and her family founded ‘Hope for Ishmael’, a non-profit evangelical service organization that provides daily necessities to the poor in the Middle East.

“Many non-Christians in Gaza are encountering Jesus in their dreams, and local sources serving the Palestinian people predict that the spiritual harvest will be ‘huge’ in the aftermath of the conflict,” Saada said.

He said, “So I moved to Gaza and returned to the Holy Land to participate in reconstruction. “I believe that despite all the destruction, suffering and trials the Palestinian people have gone through, they cannot sit still and ask ‘Why?’” he said.

“God is going to do a lot, and I want to be a part of it.” He said.

And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)

God, even though Israel and Palestine are at war, we praise you for faithfully working in the midst!

Thank you for meeting those who are suffering and angry due to war in Palestine and granting them true peace, and for allowing them to confess that they will love the Jews who were their enemies and killed each other because of that peace.

I believe that many souls in the Gaza Strip will now return to Jesus. I believe that Jesus will be the name of their salvation!

Lord, please meet the Palestinian people who are suffering through dreams!

Please allow the work of the gospel to be accomplished faster than war in Palestine!

In the name of Jesus, may the enmity between Jews and Palestinians be broken, and may we become two peoples who love each other with all their lives instead of hating and killing each other!

Thus, may a final great harvest like never before begin among these two peoples, and may these two nations exalt Your name among the nations!


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