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[Today’s Prayer] Pakistani Christian accused of ‘blasphemy’ for posting scriptures on social media

A Pakistani Christian has been charged with blasphemy after posting a Bible verse on Facebook. According to the Christian Post (CP), Haroon Shahzad, 45, who lives in a village near near Sargodasi, Punjab, Pakistan, posted on his Facebook page on June 30, when Muslims start the Eid al-Adha festival, 1 Corinthians 10:18-21 about the ‘food offered to idols’.

Eid al-Adha is a holiday for Muslims commemorating Allah, who have Abraham a lamb sacrifice in place of Ishmael.

In the words published by Shahzad, apostle Paul mentions that pagan sacrifices are offered to demons.

A Muslim resident took pictures of his post and posted it on a local social media group chat, sparking criticism that Shahzad disregarded the Abrahamic tradition of animal sacrifice and compared Muslims to infidels.

Tahir Naveed Chaudry, a Christian and former member of the parliament who lives in Sargoda, told Morningstar News that “Shahzad made no comment in the post, inciting or not.”

He said, “from the evening of the 28th, we started monitoring the situation with other local Christian leaders and were in contact with local administrative and police authorities. After hearing the news that rioters from other villages started gathering after the call for a mosque rally, I informed the Sargoda district police, who sent a large detachment to protect 250 to 300 Christian families in the village.”

Also, he said, “Police arrived in the village on time to prevent attacks on Christians and damage to property. However, the police could not stop the rioters from chanting inciteful slogans.”

Chaudhry said, “Shahzad went into hiding with his wife and six children that evening.” He also claimed, “The initial intelligence report is invalid, as Haroun only shared a bible verse and made no personal comments that could be considered blasphemous or inciteful.”

That night, Chaudry said, police “detained two sisters-in-law to pressure Shahzad into surrendering, and Shahzad’s six brother also risked their lives and fled underground. It was said, “Two women were left to take care of their parent-in-law with leprosy. Neither of them could leave with their two sons. On July 2, the sisters-in-law were finally released from detention.”

Source: Christian Today

7 who executes justice for the oppressed, who gives food to the hungry. The Lord sets the prisoners free;
8 the Lord opens the eyes of the blind. The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down; the Lord loves the righteous.
9 The Lord watches over the sojourners; he upholds the widow and the fatherless, but the way of the wicked he brings to ruin (Psalms 146:7-9)

Lord, we hear that a Christian in Pakistan has been accused of blasphemy for posting bible verses, and there are rioters and the police protecting Christians.

Lord, who loves the righteous, protect those Christians who fear and throw away everything and leave their home. Let them dwell in the midst of your perfect love, drive away the fear that covers them, and give them victory by holding onto your Word.

God who opens the eyes of the blind, please have pity on the Pakistani souls who strongly resist the preaching of the Word and cannot see the truth.

The only savior of those suffering from disasters and economic difficulties is our Lord Jesus Christ. Please open the eyes of those who are like the blind so that they can see Jesus Christ who delivered us from death.

May the rain of God’s grace fall so that the people of Pakistan, who are like orphans and widows, can now see Jesus Christ, the Son of God, confess and repent of all their past sins, and receive the Lord.

So let the Pakistani people rise up as the holy bride of the Lord who saves us from sin and delivers us from all worldly troubles, preaching Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth and preparing the way for the Lord to come again!

1 Comment

Jul 15, 2023

Halleluja, our Lord, who gives us peace and joy still in a trouble. May the Pakistani brothers find your protect and not fear the world. Let them make their voices to praise our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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