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[Today’s Prayer] “Persecuted Chinese Christianity is still growing”

A recent report by Pew Research that the number of Christians in China may have declined in recent years due to repression by the Chinese Communist Party has been refuted.

According to the American Christian Post (CP), David Curry, CEO and CEO of Global Christian Relief (formerly Open Doors), spoke on Fox News Digital on November 19 (local time). ) In his contribution, he began by saying, “According to a recently published Pew Research report, Christianity in China is stagnant and the Christian population is declining,” adding, “However, this seems to be greatly exaggerated.”

“In fact, many of us who help persecuted Christians around the world believe that the Christian community in China can grow,” Curry said. “According to GCR’s internal research, Pew’s estimate could be off by as much as 100 million people. “In fact, no one knows the size of China’s Christian population.”


In a recent phone interview with CP, Curry said, “Chinese churches are clearly under attack,” and “since President Xi Jinping has solidified his control, churches have been under increasing pressure.”

“Part of that scenario is an effort to minimize faith in general, but the numbers are important in particular because there are so many Christians,” he said. “There are between 100 and 120 million Christians in China, which is more than the roughly 98 million Communist Party members. “It will be a lot,” he estimated.

“The Chinese government is attempting to separate churches,” Curry said. “I recently spoke with leaders of a 500-member church in China who were forced by the authorities to ‘separate church members by 100 people.’ This is a very common practice where they try to take a large church and break it into pieces. “These efforts by the Chinese government are effectively driving many churches back underground.”

He said, “The Chinese government is dividing the church and Christianity and attacking church leadership. “But I think the church is strong and I believe it is still growing.”


Source: Christian Today

10 Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to confirm your calling and election, for if you practice these qualities you will never fall. 11 For in this way there will be richly provided for you an entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 1:10-11)

We praise the Lord who is with the Chinese church.

There have been reports that the number of Christians in China may have declined in recent years due to repression by the Chinese Communist Party, but in reality, no one can know; in fact, we hear that they are growing amidst the pressure.

The Lord's church will never be destroyed. Although the Chinese government continues to divide Christianity and attack the church, we believe that we will be victorious every day through Jesus Christ who is already victorious.

Lord, amongst the believers of the Chinese church, please give them faith to stand firm in your calling.

So that on the day of victory, may they become a victorious church that rely on Jesus who will richly provide for them to enter into the eternal kingdom of Jesus Christ.

The Chinese government is not stopping its persecution of the church, but rather, please allow it to be a time for them to grow further, persevere, and be disciplined through persecutions.

In the last days, an army will rise up in China that will carry the Gospel and march forward to the ends of the earth following the Lord's Great Commission.

With that vision, may the Chinese church run for the kingdom of God until the end. May they become a church that proclaims the Gospel of the eternal kingdom of God to all nations.


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