[Today’s Prayer] Syrian rebels force Islam conversion and women to wear veils

When Syrian Islamist rebels overthrew the Bashar al-Assad regime in December after 14 years, there were concerns about how the Syrian Christian community would be affected.
According to the BBC, HTS (a Sunni Islamic fundamentalist rebel group) sometimes delivers an inclusive message, but as an offshoot of Al Qaeda, it is a clear source of concern for Syrian Christians.
While Syria’s new leadership has said it will allow religious freedom, local reports suggest that the lack of central authority could lead to discrimination on the ground.
“Church leaders have been given private assurances that minorities will have equal rights under the new constitution, but there have been instances of Islamists enforcing gender segregation on public transport and forcing women to wear veils,” one source told Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), a Catholic charity.
He also said, “A region in Syria known as the Christian village because it is 100% Christian is portrayed as peaceful, but in reality, traveling there can be dangerous. Armed forces sometimes block roads, prohibit passage of people who do not convert to Islam, and even confiscate their belongings.”
He also said, “Ultimately, it is not political promises but the reality on the ground that determines the fate of the Christian population in Syria. We must remember that in North Korea, freedom of religion is guaranteed in the constitution, but that means nothing.”
Source: Christian Today
Jesus said, "If you can, all things are possible to him who believes. "Immediately the father of the child cried out, "I believe; help my unbelief!" When Jesus saw that a crowd was running and gathering, he rebuked the unclean spirit, saying, "You dumb and deaf spirit, I command you, come out of him and never enter him again." The spirit screamed and threw the boy into a violent convulsion and came out. The boy looked like he was dead, so many people said, "He is dead." (Mark 9:23-26)
After the Syrian Islamic rebels overthrew the Assad regime, they promised religious freedom, but we hear sad news that they are persecuting Christians who do not convert to Islam.
Just as the demon that tormented the child was driven out by Jesus’ command, may Jesus come to the Syrian people with His word at this time and drive away the lies of Islam that torment those who believe in the truth.
Lord, have mercy on the churches of Syria and be with them so that they may gain faith to overcome this tribulation.
Just as You said that all things are possible to those who believe, may the Syrian church be reborn as a church that overcomes persecution through faith.
Please hold on to the Syrian church, which has faith that does not back down under any government’s pressure, and brighten all the darkness that covers the Syrian people with the light of salvation.
Just as You worked through the prayers of the child’s father, may the global church cry out to Jesus and pray to Him so that we may see You working powerfully among the Syrian people.
In the last days, through those who are prepared to be martyred in any tribulation and overcome with faith, may an unprecedented revival come upon the Syrian people, so that they may become a Syrian people who advance with the gospel toward Arabs and all nations, looking forward to the second coming of the Lord!