[Today's Prayer] Thousands of Bangladeshi college students call for swift prosecution of former PM who 'fled to India'

Thousands of Bangladeshi college students and citizens have called for the swift prosecution of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who fled to India after the bloody suppression of protests.
According to local daily Daily Star and Associated Press on the 1st (local time), they called for the swift prosecution of former Prime Minister Hasina in the capital Dhaka the previous day, as well as a ban on political activities of the Awami League (AL), the party she led.
Former Prime Minister Hasina, who had been in power for a long time, resigned after hundreds of people died in the bloody suppression of student protests, and fled to India, which had been supporting her, in August of last year.
These protests took place amidst the indictment and other punishment procedures against former Prime Minister Hasina that have not made any progress even after the inauguration of the interim government led by Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus. Earlier, the International Criminal Tribunal (ICT), a special court in Bangladesh, issued an arrest warrant for former Prime Minister Hasina and her associates in October last year on charges of genocide, murder, and crimes against humanity.
A month later, the Bangladesh police requested the International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO, Interpol) to issue a red notice for former Prime Minister Hasina to secure her arrest.
However, former Prime Minister Hasina's side denies the charges against them and is seeking AL's 'return to politics' through the next general election. The next general election is scheduled to be held at the end of this year or in the first half of next year.
Source: Nate News
God raised him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it. For David says concerning him, ‘I saw the Lord always before me, for he is at my right hand that I may not be shaken; therefore my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced; my flesh also will dwell in hope. For you will not abandon my soul to Hades, or let your Holy One see corruption." (Acts 2:24-27)
Amen. We praise Jesus Christ who died on the cross, was resurrected, and is sitting at the right hand of God.
We praise the Lord who has already rescued and saved our souls from the power of Sheol.
God, Bangladeshi college students are currently urging the prosecution of the former prime minister who fled to India after bloodily suppressing college students last year.
First, please have mercy on the families of those killed by the former Prime Minister and his associates last year.
Comfort the souls of the Bangladeshi people and prevent any more bloodshed.
We proclaim that only Jesus Christ can wash away all the tears and wounds of Bangladesh.
May Jesus, who has already triumphed over the pain of death, rule over the Bangladeshi people.
May joy and peace in God come to the Bangladeshi people.
May the YG of Bangladesh now come before God, who does not abandon us to Sheol but makes us His holy children.
May they be renewed in their faith in our Savior Jesus Christ, who suffered the pain of death on the cross and was resurrected.
So may they rise up as YG who stand before God’s vision and run to fulfill the Lord’s vision.
For this, may the world church pray for Bangladesh, serve it, and testify of the gospel!
May the Bangladeshi people become the light of Asia and advance as an army of holy light that shines the light of life of Jesus Christ to all nations! May 500,000 YG missionaries rise up!